Elyros S.A: Consulting Services on European Union


Computer and Network support > The Algerian Font


The Algerian font is needed to display correctly Elyros' documents, and its logo.

If you already have this font, then this paragraph should be using it.

PLEASE NOTE that in order for this test to work, you must set your character set (encoding) to Western, or Unicode, or else the browser may lie to you, and tell you that you do not have the font even though you have it (to set you character encoding to Unicode in Netscape, go to View | Character Set, and choose any of the two Unicode options). If you do not have the font follow the instructions below and install it.

It is advised that Elyros' customers install this font. To download it press here.

To install it unzip the downloaded file into a Temporary folder (e.g C:\TEMP). The press the Start button | Settings | Control Panel, choose the Fonts icon, and when opened, press File and Install New Font... Then just choose the Temporary folder (e.g. C:\TEMP) you have extracted the .ttf file, and select it

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